Cracked Quartz Spheres

$33.00 AUD
  • Cracked Quartz Spheres
  • Cracked Quartz Spheres
  • Cracked Quartz Spheres
  • Cracked Quartz Spheres
  • Cracked Quartz Spheres

Measurements / Comes with a stand
CS1 - 203g - 5.24cm
CS2 - 214g - 5.36cm
CS3 - 233g - 5.5cm

Cracked (or Crackled) Quartz is in fact Clear Quartz which has been heat treated to develop a multitude of small internal cracks. These cracks allow the crystal to refract more light, ultimately appearing alive with rainbows when turned in the sun.

Its uses and benefits are the same as that of Clear Quartz.

Clear or Cracked Quartz properties:
▫️ "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.

▫️It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy.

▫️Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.

▫️It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.

▫️Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.

▫️Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities.

▫️It aids concentration and unlocks memory.

▫️Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.

▫️Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. Great one to work with in healing and meditation

Chakras - Crown Chakra
Birthstone - April
Zodiac - All birth signs
Planet – Sun
Element – All
Vibration - Number 4
Typical colours - Pure Quartz is colourless